Today in the modern World, we depend on the Energy because we know that energy is the backbone source of the development, progress, prosperity and it is the key thing to gain the success, comparing with the fast growing world. It strengthens the country economically and can make a better environment for the investor, to invests their money in our country. The Strong economical country can reach the peak of success. But unfortunately, our country faces hurdles in the field of energy. Pakistan is not an industrialized country but it is a developing country. In Pakistan, so many crisis of energy occur. The light will be thrown on some of the major hurdles which lead the country to the crisis in the field of energy.
Root causes of energy crises:
The good economy and strong industrialization are the key factors of the developed and industrialized country, without energy no such concept can exist. Pakistan faces severe losses of energy due to the following mentioned reasons.Struggling government:
The major shortfall of energy is due to the carelessness of government towards the natural resources. As Pakistan is blessed with a larger number of natural resources such as coal, gas resources, water, petroleum, copper gold etc. Water is not only used for drinking purposes, but it is the major component of generation of electricity and it is utilized for the irrigation purposes, but most of the water is wasted due to the natural catastrophes especially the flood. Electricity is the most major factor of energy production in the country and it is helpful to the industrial and economic growth. The funds given to the sector of electricity does not fulfill the necessities of electricity. To generate a larger amount of electricity, dam creation is necessary. To utilize this water, the government must build dams but, unfortunately, the government does not take it as a serious problem. Pakistan imports petroleum, plastic, edible oil, iron, steel etc. The government does not provide the facilities to utilize these natural resources in order to overcome the shortfall of energy.
Our nation faces extensive issues of the energy shortage. It needs to curb the shortage of the energy. The citizens are involved in stealing of electricity. Some of the people with the authorities are greatly involved in such type of corruptions, they don’t pay for the costs of electricity and also gas. Electricity theft is considered as a serious crime. Corruption is very harmful to the progress and prosperity. Corruption and crimes lead to the crisis of agriculture sector, industrial sector, social issue, unemployment, poverty and economy of a country. The citizens are utilizing the electricity carelessly. They are using the electricity and gas beyond their needs.
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